Eleanor's Place
A cottage vacation rental in Old Town Key West!
About Us
Eleanor's Place is our privately owned cottage. We are a Canadian couple, who discovered years ago that Key West is one of the most special places in the world. Our hope is to live in Key West for half the year when we both retire. In the meantime we use the cottage in the winter when we can, and we rent it out when we can't be there. We are warm, friendly, and responsible people who pride ourselves in taking good care of our house - we look for renters who will do the same.
Why the name "Eleanor's Place"?! The name "Eleanor's Place" came from a friend who, after we purchased to cottage, suggested we call it "L & R's Place" because our names are Lesley and Ryan. We all had a giggle at the idea of changing the spelling to "Eleanor's Place" and the rest is history!
Let's Chat
217 Virginia Street
Key West, FL 33040